During Week One of our series, "A Word of Wisdom", Richard Porter talks about the purpose of wisdom. A brilliant morning as Richard walks through the book of Ecclesiastes to reveal how wisdom is found in Jesus.
Sex, Drugs & Rock n Roll - Week Three
During Week Three of our series "Sex, Drugs & Rock n Roll", Julia Muir shares about the concept of morality. A fantastic morning as Julia challenges us to be image carriers of Christ in a world that is conflicting with rules.
Sex, Drugs & Rock n Roll - Week Two
During Week Two of our sermon series, "Sex Drugs & Rock n Roll", John Ashhe speaks about the Biblical understanding of sex & marriage. A brilliant morning as John teaches on God's purpose and plan behind our sexuality and the gift of marriage.
Special Guest - Tania Harris
Hillsong Pastor and special guest, Tania Harris shares a message titled "God Conversations". A brilliant Sunday morning as Tania shares a bit of her story while teaching about how we can hear God's voice.
Sex, Drugs & Rock n Roll - Week One
During week one of our series, "Sex, Drugs & Rock N Roll", John Ashe sets the foundation for a conversation on the morality of those who follow Jesus. A fantastic morning as John takes us through biblical teachings on our way to live in the world around us.
Kingdom Living - Week Four
During week four of our series, Kingdom Living, Ashley Bontz teaches on the model of prayer that Jesus gave to his disciples. A great morning as Ashley brings to life this prayer and explains how it is important for us today.
Kingdom Living - Week Three
During week three of our series, "Kingdom Living", Ian Somerville shares an incredible word on the kingdom principle of persistance. A great Sunday as Ian uses testimony from his own life along with Jesus' teachings to show in the importance of persistance in prayer.
Kingdom Living - Week Two
During week two of our series, "Kingdom Living", Jill Somerville teaches on how we are to refrain from judgement. A great morning as Jill looks at the teachings of Jesus found in Matthew 7.
Kingdom Living - Week One
During our first week of our Kingdom Living Series, Richard Porter shares what it means to have carry the Kingdom through generosity. A great morning as Richard provides insight into what Jesus meant when he said that the "Eye is the lamp of the soul".
What Would Jesus Undo - John Ashe
Highlighing his week away in Bethel, John Ashe shares an inspiring message moving us from apathy in our faith into a life filled with God's power and calling.
Special Guest - Jordan Dimarco
During our mission week with a team from BSSM, our good friend Jordan Dimarco shares a message he titled "The Burn Pile". An powerful morning as Jordan urges us to continue to stay focused in to what Jesus is doing and not build our lives around ministry tools and strategies while forgetting He is who were are to follow.
Special Guest - Canon Andrew White (The Vicar of Baghdad)
On Saturday night of our BSSM Antrim Conference, special guest Canon Andrew White shares a part of his story and what he has learned throughout his life as the Vicar of Baghdad.
Count the Cost
An amazing Sunday as one of our elders, Gary Smith, shares a powerful message about pursuing Jesus through no matter the cost. Gary takes us through the Bible as he teaches how we are to pursue Jesus through everything, including our dreams and creativity.
Influence Series - Week Eight
During Week Eight of our series, Influence, Julia Muir talks about the obstruction that Guilt can have in our influence as followers of Christ. A powerful morning as Julia breaks down the emotion of Guilt and how we are set free from its binding power through Jesus.
Influence Series - Week Seven
During Week Seven of our series, Influence, Rachel Ashe teaches how we can hear God's calling on our lives. A great morning as Rachel shares insight from her own life and from the life of Gideon to encourage us to listen to what God is speaking to us in regards to our calling.
Influence Series - Week Six
During Week Six of our series, Influence, John Ashe talks about the importance using the gifts and and anointing God gives us to bring heaven to earth in our community. A great morning as John reflects on the process of God transforming Antrim and inspires us to continue the work.
Influence Series - Week Five
During Week Five of our series Influence, our dear friend, Father Columba comes to speak with us about the power of operating in the supernatural giftings of healing and words of knowledge. A powerful morning as Father Columba shares testimonies of supernatural healing and how we can learn to live a life following the Holy Spirit and partnering with Jesus to bring Heaven to Earth.
Influence Series - Week Four
During Week Four of our series, Influence, Jill Somerville teaches on the distinction between calling, gifts, & anointing. A great morning as Jill uses the metaphor of the body of Christ to encourage and challenge us of our value in God's kingdom.
Influence Series - Week Three
During Week Three of our series, Influence, Amy Blair shares a powerful message on anointing. A brilliant morning as Amy, shares the importance of obedience & the impact of walking in the anointing God has given you as His child.
Influence Series - Week Two
During week two of our series, Influence, John Asks talks explains the five-fold ministry and why it is so important for the church to operate the way God has intended in bringing heaven to earth.