John Ashe introduces our new series, Influence,by explaining the importance of desiring a greater annointing and grace for spiritual gifts and how we can receive it. A great morning as John challenges us to place ourselves under people with annointing and grace for a specific area in order to receive what they carry and bring God's kingdom to earth.
Wilderness Series - Week Four
During Week Four of our series, "In the Wilderness", Richard Porter teaches on the importance of hosting the presence of God. A great morning as Richard explains the function and nature of God's presence during the times of the Exodus and why our focus should be on constantly following the presence.
Wilderness Series - Week Three
During Week Three of our series, In the Wilderness, Jill Somerville teaches on the importance of the Sabbath. A great morning as Jill digs deeper into the understanding of working and resting as God intended for us.
Wilderness Series - Week Two
During week two of our series "In the Wilderness", Jill Somerville teaches on the importance of God’s provision in the wilderness. A great morning as Jill shows how God provided for the Israelites in Exodus and How he provides for us as well.
Special Guest - Jeff Davidson
Special guest, Jeff Davidson, encourages us in our walk with God as the 2017 closes and a new chapter begins. A great morning as Jeff challenges our thinking by asking us to consider operating in a perspective that chooses to engage with God.
The Christmas Journey - Week One
During Week One of of "The Christmas Journey" series, John Ashe invites a few people in Journey to share about their Christmas experiences and traditions as we learn about what Christmas means to those who follow Jesus.
Habakkuk Series - Week Three
During Week Three of our series, Habakkuk, John Ashe explains the importance of waiting and listening to the voice of God throughout our lives. An powerful morning as we are challenged to let go of our dreams and expectations and trust God to be faithful and in control.
Habakkuk Series - Week Two
During Week Two of our series, Habakkuk, Jill Somerville talks about the power of vulnerability as she shares a personal story of her family going through a difficult season of life. A great morning as Jill explains the importance of living in community and being real with one another as we walk out our faith journeys.
Habakkuk Series - Week One
During Week One of our series, Habakkuk, John Ashe dives into real questions many have surrounding their faith and explains what happens when we go through a dip in our walk with God. A powerful morning as John talks about the importance of being real with God and why it is ok to have questions.
Deeper Series - Week Five
During Week Five of our series, Deeper, John Ashe talks shares about his trip to Bethel and the importance of being hungry for what God wants to do in our church community and in the world around us. An inspiring message on going deeper into what God has for all of us followed by testimony and prophetic ministry.
Deeper Series - Week Four
During week four of our series, "Deeper", Ian Somerville discusses the importance of living in a culture of honour and how it causes us to go deeper with God.
Deeper Series - Week Three
During week three of our series, "Deeper", Rachel Ashe discusses the problem of fear and what to do to combat it. A great morning as Rachel demonstrates how to push past fear in our own lives and into the promises that God has for us.
Deeper Series - Week Two
In week two of our sermon series 'Deeper' John Ashe talks about going deeper in our relationship with God.
Deeper Series - Week One
During Week One of our series, Deeper, Julia Muir discusses the importance of growing deeper in our understanding of God and ourselves. A great morning as Julia demonstrates how to live in a Culture of Honour while also explaining some basic biblical understandings of love that hold true within the realm of theotherapy.
Special Guest - Chris Cruz
Special Guest Chris Cruz speaks to us about the importance of following the presence within the context of our church family and daily lives.
Special Guest - Danny Silk
Special Guest Danny Silk shares his vision behind the organisation, Loving on Purpose. A great morning as Danny discusses the importance of choosing to love people well.
Directions Series - Week Two
During Week Two of our series, Directions, John Ashe shares about his story and how God called him to plant Journey Community Church. A great morning as John gives insight into the world of a church leader and the struggles that God walks us through.
Directions Series - Week One
During Week One of our series, Directions, John Ashe and Ian Somerville talk about 10 pillars that make up the DNA of Journey Community Church. A great morning as Ian & John discuss vision for the a new season at Journey Community Church.
Summer at Journey Series - Week Six
During Week Six of our series, Summer at Journey, Gary Smith teaches about recognising the foundations of a poverty mindset and combating them the truth of kingdom abundance. A great morning as Gary shares his own experiences to prove how God desires us to live in freedom and fullness in His Kingdom.
Summer at Journey Series - Week Five
In week five of our sermon series "Summer at Journey", John Ashe and our Lastleaf team highlight our Impact Week and share a message of hope through the Gospel of Jesus Christ.