This week at our Antrim site, Jill Somerville continues our series titled Rabbi: Learn to lead like Jesus.
Centred - Week Five
In the final week our series Centred Jill Somerville shares on what it means to to have Christ at the centre in everything we do.
Kingdom Living - Week Two
During week two of our series, "Kingdom Living", Jill Somerville teaches on how we are to refrain from judgement. A great morning as Jill looks at the teachings of Jesus found in Matthew 7.
Influence Series - Week Four
During Week Four of our series, Influence, Jill Somerville teaches on the distinction between calling, gifts, & anointing. A great morning as Jill uses the metaphor of the body of Christ to encourage and challenge us of our value in God's kingdom.
Wilderness Series - Week Three
During Week Three of our series, In the Wilderness, Jill Somerville teaches on the importance of the Sabbath. A great morning as Jill digs deeper into the understanding of working and resting as God intended for us.
Wilderness Series - Week Two
During week two of our series "In the Wilderness", Jill Somerville teaches on the importance of God’s provision in the wilderness. A great morning as Jill shows how God provided for the Israelites in Exodus and How he provides for us as well.
Habakkuk Series - Week Two
During Week Two of our series, Habakkuk, Jill Somerville talks about the power of vulnerability as she shares a personal story of her family going through a difficult season of life. A great morning as Jill explains the importance of living in community and being real with one another as we walk out our faith journeys.
The Great Adventure - Week One
Jill Somerville opens our new sermon series, 'The Great Adventure' discussing how we find our joy in the journey of life.