Join us for week two of our November Series ‘Watchmen on the Wall’ as Richard Porter talks to us about understanding what it looks like for us as Christians to be spiritually aware of what is God is doing in our time.
Kingdoms Colliding - Week Two
In week two of our kingdoms colliding series, Marah Blair teaches from the story of Daniel. This week we are looking at the importance of humility, communicating with others with a connection in mind focusing ourselves on prayer.
GENERATIONS - Generational Redemption
GENERATIONS - Living For Legacy
GENERATIONS - Millennials Are Taking The Reins, Do Not Panic
GENERATIONS - A Multigenerational Church
FLOOD - Known For Our Love
FLOOD - A Mission To The Community
SAMSON - One Day
SAMSON - Filled With The Spirit
SAMSON - Entitlement
All In - Risk
All In - Spiritually
All In - Ridiculous Faith
All In - Relationally
Join us as we start our new series “All In” at Journey Community Church. This week one of our elders, Azman Khairuddin shares with us what it means to fully invest in our relationships and communities.
Running with Giants - Joshua
Join us as we start a new series ‘Running with Giants’ at Journey Community Church. This week Associate Pastor Gary Smith takes us through the leadership of Joshua from wilderness to the promised land.
2020 Vision - Generosity
This week at Journey Community Church we hear from David Smith. David is completing his third year of Bethel School of Supernatural Ministry with us and shares a powerful message on Kingdom Generosity!
2020 Vision
This week at Journey Community Church we had a very special Sunday with Senior Leader John Ashe sharing our vision for 2020 and how we are going to impact the community.
We also had different people from our community sharing about how God has impacted their lives!
Centred - Week Five
In the final week our series Centred Jill Somerville shares on what it means to to have Christ at the centre in everything we do.
Centred - Week Three
For week three of our series Centred, Senior Leader John Ashe teaches about the truth of sin and the importance of understanding who is Christ is and why we need a saviour.